Tri-Municipal Region Information Night – Spring 2025
Thursday, February 20, 2025
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
At The Pavilion at Heritage Park., Stony Plain, AB
Join us to promote your recreation, sport, wellness, culture, art, heritage programs and services within the Tri-Region! This event is hosted by the Tri-Municipal Region partners for community organizations and businesses to recruit volunteers, accept registrations and conduct fundraising or sales related to your program.
Fees: Non-profits, Community and Charitable Organizations (recreation, sports, wellness, culture, art, and heritage):
- $20 per table (includes two chairs), or $25 with access to power.
- Proof of non-profit status or registered society number is required.
Businesses – for-profit organizations (sports, recreation, wellness, culture, art, and heritage groups):
- $100 per table (includes two chairs) or $105 with access to power.
- Groups/Businesses operating in the Tri-Municipal Region must offer sport, recreation, wellness, culture, art and heritage programs or services to the residents of the Tri-Municipal Region.
- Groups/Businesses operating outside of the Tri-Municipal Region must offer sport, recreation, wellness, culture, art and heritage programs or services to the residents of the Tri-Municipal Region which are not currently provided by a local organization or business.
- Political parties and groups are ineligible to participate.
- Religious groups are eligible to register ONLY IF they offer relevant programs and activities within the Tri Region (recruiting for faith is NOT permitted.
Table Space:
- Approximate floor space for one 6’ table is 10 feet wide x 10 feet deep. If you require more display/demonstration space, please purchase additional tables (with or without power as required).
- Make your table interactive and engaging! Use your space to demonstrate your sport or activity with current members, or why not let potential registrants try something out? Get creative – generate interest by having a fun and attractive space. Tents and helium balloons are not permitted.
- The table setup is from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM. Doors open to the public at 6 p.m.
- There will be an optional social for vendors who can arrive early from 5 – 5:45 p.m.
- For powered tables, please bring your own grounded extension cord (minimum 50 feet) and non-marking floor tape.
- Event coordinators will determine table placement and location• WIFI is available (but not guaranteed to work the day of the event).
Registration process:
Registration may be made through the TransAlta Tri Leisure Centre (TLC) - deadline is Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 4:00 PM.
PREVIOUSLY REGISTERED Organizations/Businesses
- Log in HERE if you have an existing TLC account.
- Unsure if your organization has an existing account? Call the TLC to check, 780-960-5080 (press 0)
- NOTE: If your business or organization already has an account with the TLC, enter the organizations’ email address which is linked to the account an request a password reset - a link will be sent to the email address in the system.
NEW Organizations/Businesses:
- If your business or organization has not atteneded this event before, please call our team, at 780-960-5080 to register
- In person: Register at the TLC’s reception desk using Visa, MasterCard, cheque, cash, or Interac.
By phone:
Call 780-960-5080 and checkout using Visa or MasterCard.
By mail:
Must be received no later than Thursday, February 13th, 2025 @ 4pm. Print off and complete the registration form from the TLC’s event page, and mail with a cheque made payable to the ‘TransAlta Tri Leisure Centre’.
Mail to the TransAlta Tri Leisure Centre at 221 Jennifer Heil Way, Spruce Grove, AB, T7X 4J5
Mail to the TransAlta Tri Leisure Centre at 221 Jennifer Heil Way, Spruce Grove, AB, T7X 4J5