
Your triACTIVE education starts here.

School Bookings at the TLC

As a champion of community involvement in the Tri-Municipal Region, we are happy to collaborate with local schools and offer group rates to help teach our youth about the importance of physical literacy and living a healthy lifestyle.

To book one of our facilities for your group or school, please email  for more information.

What it means to be triACTIVE in the Tri-Municipal Region.

Header Two (H2)

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis. Curabitur commodo elit felis, nec consectetur nunc elementum at. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum.

Header Three (H3)

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis. Curabitur commodo elit felis, nec consectetur nunc elementum at.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla id cursus leo. Phasellus nibh est, ullamcorper sed nunc ac, tempor tempor augue. Nam est leo, mollis quis lectus in, hendrerit varius nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam fermentum lacus posuere mollis dapibus. Cras gravida enim nec euismod bibendum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean vitae nisi maximus, dignissim nisi sed, commodo orci. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum.

Nam est leo, mollis quis lectus in, hendrerit varius nisl.

Donec sagittis porta nunc vel ornare. Phasellus ut mi facilisis, ultrices nunc in, rhoncus tortor. Aliquam facilisis ex magna, id volutpat justo consectetur eget. Suspendisse scelerisque metus ut neque fringilla, ut faucibus quam venenatis. Proin nec velit porttitor, pulvinar nunc in, lobortis odio. Proin et posuere urna.

Phasellus ut eleifend lacus. Quisque id neque eget turpis fringilla condimentum. Aenean at mauris id enim sagittis varius. Sed finibus enim posuere mattis pharetra. Mauris eu velit porta, luctus nisl eget, laoreet sem. Etiam vel porta mi. Aenean tristique facilisis mattis.

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Swim @ School

The TransAlta Tri Leisure Centre offers the Lifesaving Society’s "Swim For Life" swim program Swim @ School. 

This quality program offers a unique opportunity for fitness in the pool setting focusing on developing swimming and water safety skills. Swim @ School is flexible enough that the whole class can participate, no matter the student’s swimming ability or level. 

Who can participate in Swim @ School?

Everyone can participate and have fun. The program is designed to allow an entire class to participate with various levels of ability while encouraging students to achieve their own personal best.

What material is covered in Swim @ School?

The Lifesaving Society’s "Swim For Life" @ School program is specifically designed for schools. It is a participation program.

The Swim @ School program consists of three levels:

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Each child will learn a variety of swimming and safety skills geared for their level of swimming and will be evaluated based on their participation. 

What do the candidates receive when they complete a session of Swim @ School?

All students that participate in this program will receive a certificate.  The instructor of the group will check off the items that each candidate participates in.

This is not a program that teaches specific Swimmer levels, but rather a skill and stroke improvement program. 

This program is designed to allow everyone to participate in swimming despite the range of levels of swimming ability and still encourages students to achieve their own personal best. This program is to supplement a regular Lifesaving Society’s "Swim For Life" swim lesson and is closer to an overview and skill improvement, and is not the same as the Swimmer program.

The TransAlta Tri Leisure Centre is proud to offer the Lifesaving Society’s "Swim For Life" Swim @ School program to the schools in and around our community.

If you have any questions about the Swim @ School program please contact:

Chris Kay, Aquatics Program Coordinator,

School Booking fees are based upon availability.

To ensure a great experience, check ahead to see what spaces are available to book!

Our wide variety of drop-in activities will keep you busy all season.

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