Dietitians are effective nutrition counsellors. Dietitians have both the scientific knowledge and the counselling skills needed to deliver effective nutrition advice. Dietitians apply proven behaviour change techniques and counselling methods and tailor nutrition advice. Dietitians effectively counsel individuals and groups, optimize limited resources, and streamline care. Dietitians help navigate the health care system.
Nutrition counselling makes a difference. Here are some of the ways:
- Nutrition counselling improves general eating behaviours associated with good health, such as increased fruit, vegetable, and fibre intake and decreased fat intake if that is an issue.
- Lifestyle interventions (nutrition counselling, physical activity and behaviour modification) can:
- Reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 70% in adults at risk
- Improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels (after at least 3 months)
- Decrease body weight by about 3-6 kg (after at least 12 months).
Are you covered?
Seven of ten major insurers currently provide dietitian services in their standard plan. Engagement is underway with the remaining three major insurers. Talk to your benefits advisor today about adding dietitians to your benefits plan. Here are some useful factsheets for you and your employer.
Are you optimizing support for nutrition in your benefits plan? (factsheet)
What is a dietitian? (
Dietitians and chronic disease management (factsheet)
Dietitians promote health through food and nutrition (factsheet)
Dietitians in primary health care (factsheet)
Enjoy Nutrition Month 2023 RECIPES
Nutrition Month 2023 – Educational resources | Dairy Nutrition
Happy Nutrition Month 2023!
Sincerely, Cheryl Nickurak, RD.
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