Tanya Ironside

Wellness Program Coordinator

The Basics

  1. What is your name? Tanya Ironside
  2. What is your role at the TLC? Wellness Program Coordinator
  3. Please include any career or education related special achievements/certifications you believe are noteworthy:
  • Can-Fit-Pro Personal Trainer Specialist
  • RockTape Canada Fascial Movement Taping Certified Rocktape Doc
  • Trigger Point Foundations Certification
  • AFLCA Group Cycle Certification
  • AMHSA Leadership for Safety Excellence
  • Verbal Judo Canada Tactical Communications for Contact Professionals
  • GRAVITY Foundation Instructor Certification
  • East to West Yoga Exercise Certificate
  • Fitness Kickboxing Canada Level 1 & 2 Kickboxing Specialist
  • Fitness Kickboxing Canada Bootcamp Instructor
  • TRX Suspension Training Certification Level 1
  • TRX Suspension Training Sports Medicine Level 2
  • Zumba Level 1 Instructor & Zumba Gold
  • Lifesaving Society – Level C CPR/AED
  • Certified Coaches Federation: Certified Coach Practitioner (CCP)

    Can-Fit-Pro: Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Coach (HWL)

  1. What’s your favourite way to get triACTIVE?  Working out with my friends.

The Wellness Program Coordinator at the TLC is responsible for programming adult fitness registered and drop-in programs, coordinating custom programs, and giving expertise and support to our fitness instructors.

Get to know Tanya

  1. What has been your biggest health and wellness accomplishment? 20th place finish overall in Gender/Age category in Spartan Super 2014.
  2. What are your hobbies/interests outside of the TLC? Travelling
  3. What is your favourite movie of all time? Blade
  4. What wakes you up in the morning? Coffee
  5. What do you love most about the Tri-Municipal Region? Friendly community
  6. If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be? Ozzy Osbourne’s No More Tears
  7. If you were stuck on an island with one celebrity, who would you choose and why? Vin Diesel - he’s a hottie!
  8. What are five must-have items in your fridge? Eggs, bananas, chicken, apples, salad greens and chocolate.
  9. Are you an early riser or a night owl? Early riser
  10. What do you love most about the TLC? The staff