Samantha Saunders

Wellness Supervisor

  1. What is your name? Samantha Kuzio
  2. What is your role at the TLC? Child and Youth Program Coordinator
  3. Please include any career or education related special achievements/certifications you believe are noteworthy:
    • University of Alberta Bachelor in Arts Degree in Recreation, Sports, and Tourism
    • Diploma in Kinesiology, majoring in sports management

Get to know Samantha

  1. What has been your biggest health and wellness accomplishment? Awarded a Dance Scholarship to Paris
  2. What are your hobbies/interests outside of the TLC? Dancing, Snowboarding and Horseback Riding
  3. What’s your favourite movie of all-time? Back to the Future (The first one if I had to pick, but I love the whole series!)
  4. What wakes you up in the morning? A series of alarms 5 minutes apart…which only sometimes gets me up on time.
  5. What do you love most about the Tri-Municipal Region? The many playgrounds, spray parks and open spaces!
  6. If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be? Dixie Chick’s Greatest Hits Album 
  7. If you were stuck on an island with one celebrity, who would you choose and why? Adele. First, music can almost make everything better and she’s got that. Second, with her down to earth wits and hilarious personality I think we would survive.
  8. What are five must-have items in your fridge? Cheese, Berries, yogurt, milk, pickles
  9. Are you an early riser or a night owl? Night Owl
  10. What do you love most about the TLC?  The people! I love everyone I work with and the variety of amenities we can provide to have a diverse population come into the TLC. From Seniors Day to kids programs we get to see everyone!