Michelle Osinchuk

Aquatic Operations Coordinator

The Basics

  1. What is your name? Michelle Osinchuk
  2. What is your role at the TLC? Aquatic Operations Coordinator
  3. Please include any career or education related special achievements/certifications you believe are noteworthy: Pool Operators 1 & 2, NL Instructor Trainer, AEC/SFA Instructor Trainer,  WSI Trainer. 
  4. What’s your favourite way to get triACTIVE? Lunchtime activities like spin class, TRX, using weights, going for a run.

Our Aquatic Operations Coordinator is the person who makes sure everything in the pool is maintained and functioning properly, as well as supervising and scheduling lifeguards, shift leaders and aquatic staff.

Get to know Michelle

  1. What has been your biggest health and wellness accomplishment? I did a triathlon when I was younger, and a 10k race in 2014
  2. What are your hobbies/interests outside of the TLC? Skiing, playing soccer, running, spending time with family
  3. What’s your favourite movie of all-time? Dumb and Dumber and The Princess Bride
  4. What wakes you up in the morning? My alarm clock
  5. What do you love most about the Tri-Municipal Region?  The trails in Spruce Grove and Chickakoo area, the community size and feel
  6. If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be? Anything by U2 or P!nk
  7. If you were stuck on an island with one celebrity, who would you choose and why? Bear Grylls because he knows everything there is to know about how to survive anywhere 
  8. What are five must-have items in your fridge? Eggs, lettuce, chicken, bananas and Nutella of course
  9. Are you an early riser or a night owl? More of an 8am riser, which I guess would be considered an early riser!
  10. What do you love most about the TLC? The pool!! It’s great to have everything in one location - hockey, soccer, swimming and the gym - it’s so versatile