Jenine Armstrong

Aquatics Supervisor

The Basics

  1. What is your name? Jenine Armstrong
  2. What is your role at the TLC?  Aquatics Supervisor
  3. What’s your favourite way to get triACTIVE? Walking my dog

The Aquatics Supervisor is responsible for all activities and programs in the Century 21 Leading Aquatic Complex including oversight of staff and day-to-day pool operations.

Get to know Jenine

  1. What has been your biggest health and wellness accomplishment? Doing my first ever triathlon in 2005. I’ve done a few other ones since. 
  2. What are your hobbies/interests outside of the TLC? Running my children around to all their sporting activities, and camping.
  3. What’s your favourite movie of all-time? The Princess Bride
  4. What wakes you up in the morning? My dog licking my face
  5. What do you love most about the Tri-Municipal Region?The landscape, the young families, it has everything I need.
  6. If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be? That’s hard! Neil Diamond’s “Greatest Hits”.
  7. If you were stuck on an island with one celebrity, who would you choose and why? Bear Grylls would be handy.
  8. What are five must-have items in your fridge? Butter, Sawmill Sauce, Chicken, Brussel Sprouts, Cheese
  9. Are you an early riser or a night owl? Neither. I’m a mid-morning person. If I had to choose, Night Owl.
  10. What do you love most about the TLC? My coworkers.